Bayeux : a town of artistic and architectural interest

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 31 pages
Poids : 90 g
Dimensions : 17cm X 23cm
Date de parution :
EAN : 9782737319709


a town of artistic and architectural interest


chez Ouest-France

Collection(s) : Heritage monograph

Paru le | Broché 31 pages

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photographies Hervé Champollion | translation Angela Moyon

Quatrième de couverture

This book is an invitation to a marvellous tour of the rich architecture and artistic treasures of Bayeux, the Norman city miraculously spared by the Battle of Normandy.

Having wondered at the Gothic cathedral which has retained many aspects of the original Romanesque building, in particular its crypt, visitors discover Gallo-Roman remains, half-timbered houses dating from the Middle Ages. Renaissance tower houses and 17th century mansions all while wandering picturesque-named streets. Their steps will also take them to the Guillaume-le-Conquérant Centre which houses the Bayeux Tapestry and to the British cemetery and museums such as the Memorial Museum of De Gaulle who gave his first speech on returning to French soil in Bayeux in June 1944, the Baron-Gérard Museum and the Battle of Normandy Memorial Museum.


Son of an old Cotentin family, Jacques Billy, a volunteer soldier at the Battle of Normandy and ENA graduate turned senior civil servant, is the author of many works including two of regional interest, Le Pur-Sang and Haras et Elevages de Normandie. He is also co-author of a book on Pays d'Auge and another on calvados, Normandy's famous apple brandy.

Hervé Champollion's photographs can be seen in many works and articles which bear witness to his love of travelling. He has travelled extensively in Normandy on a number of occasions.