Notre Dame cathedral, Amiens

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 32 pages
Poids : 156 g
Dimensions : 20cm X 26cm
Date de parution :
ISBN : 978-2-7373-8161-4
EAN : 9782737381614

Notre Dame cathedral, Amiens


chez Ouest-France

Collection(s) : Heritage monograph

Paru le | Broché 32 pages

Tout public

5.50 Indisponible

photographs Eric Pouhier | translation ID2M

Quatrième de couverture

Notre Dame Cathedral in Amiens was built over a short period during the 13th century and is a perfect example of architectural unity. It is an outstandingly beautiful cathedral which has survived the centuries without suffering the ravages of time. The perfectly preserved sculptures on its façades, the coherence of its overall design and the elegance of its interior elevation all command the admiration of visitors. The cathedral boasts rich furnishings and is a fascinating example of classical Gothic architecture, featuring innovations which herald the radiating Gothic style. Amiens Cathedral is considered to be the world's tallest Gothic church. It has been included on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1981. In 1998, it featured for a second time on the list as one of the stages of the Routes of Santiago de Compostela in France. Today, it provides an outstanding example of the polychrome designs of Gothic cathedral entrances, as demonstrated in the night-time show « Amiens, the cathedral in colour ». This amazing spectacle has already been witnessed by over one and a half million visitors.


Xavier Bailly is an art historian and Director of the Amiens Métropole Heritage Department ; he is accredited by the French Ministry of Culture as an Architecture and Heritage guide for Amiens, City of Art and History, and a national tour guide accredited by the Ministries of Culture and Tourism.

Éric Pouhier is a photographer and illustrator.