Old and new inequalities in a globalised world : experiences from Europe and Latin America

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 322 pages
Poids : 369 g
Dimensions : 14cm X 21cm
Date de parution :
ISBN : 978-2-336-31888-2
EAN : 9782336318882

Old and new inequalities in a globalised world

experiences from Europe and Latin America

chez L'Harmattan

Collection(s) : Teoria sociologica applicata

Paru le | Broché 322 pages

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The book offers a clear understanding of recent international trends in dealing with rising inequalities in capitalist societies.

In an era characterized worldwide by great uncertainty and deep economic and social transformations, the aim is to deepen our knowledge on the state of the art, on the main causes that increase the growth of inequalities and generate new ones, to analyse the role of the main actors, public policies and to contrast strategies in order to identify best practices and possible paths of economic, social and civil development.

The idea is that a closer link between the market economy and society as a whole might support the ongoing process of restructuring social and capitalism models, as we have known them so far. The international dimension and the comparative approach between European and Latin American countries represent an added value that opens new perspectives of analysis and research investigation.


Vincenzo Fortunate is Associate Professor in Economic and Labour Sociology at the University of Calabria, Department of Political and Social Sciences, where he teaches Labour Sociology and Sociology of Organization. Research activity mainly concerns the fields of industrial relations, human resources management, labour organizations, social policies and welfare models, inequalities, local development. Among his recent publications : « Labour and New Technologies in the Era of Industry 4.0 : Policies and Perspectives », in M. Mirabelli, N. Brasil Dib, S. Mihelcic (eds), Digitalizatiom Economic Development and Social Equality (2020) and « Unemployment Benefits : Discursive Convergenee, Distant Realities », in S. Fachelli, P. Lopez Roldan (eds), Towards a Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities Between Europe and Latin America (2020).