Power in the 21st century : determinants and contours

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 190 pages
Poids : 500 g
Dimensions : 17cm X 24cm
Date de parution :
ISBN : 978-2-87558-426-7
EAN : 9782875584267

Power in the 21st century

determinants and contours

chez Presses universitaires de Louvain

Collection(s) : Scène internationale

Paru le | Broché 190 pages

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Quatrième de couverture

This book results from a symposium organized by Genesys Network, which took place on April 29th, 2015, in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. The organizers invited contributors to think about the concept of power in the context of the evolving international system, and what it implied for the study of the concept in IR academic field.

Indeed, if the end of the Cold War was characterized by a "unipolar moment" as defined by Krauthammer in 1991, this period is starting to come to an end. While the United States remains arguably a global superpower, its position is more and more disputed by other actors. Likewise, new centers of power have emerged. Today's world is complex and transitional, characterized by both short- and long-term challenges; interactions among these powers remain to be apprehended and understood. In the last decade, we have also observed an economic and partially political shift or redistribution of power from the "West to the Rest" on the classical state power chessboard. The beginning of the 21st century thus constitutes an important challenge for the super- and emerging or resurgent powers. The new global state of affairs is characterized by conditions that are more complex than in the past. In these circumstances and in the face of these worldwide trends, the concept of power has evolved and the need to redefine or think the concept has become a necessity.

The present book thus aims at presenting the diversity of views on the concept of power but also, perhaps more importantly, their complementarity.


Tanguy Struye de Swielande is Professor in international relations at the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), in Belgium, where he teaches geopolitics, international relations theories and foreign policy analysis. He is also the Coordinator of the InBev-Baillet Latour Chair "European Union-China", the founder of Genesys Network, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre d'études des crises et conflits internationaux (CECRI/UCL), Research Fellow at the Egmont Institute and Associate Fellow at the Conseil québécois d'études géopolitiques. His areas of expertise are great powers'relations (geopolitics, geostrategy) and foreign policy analysis.

Dorothée Vandamme is currently a PhD candidate, Research and Teaching Assistant. She is also Research Fellow at the CECRI and Research Associate at Genesys Network. Her research interests are Pakistan politics, role theory and the hierarchy of power.