Property and territory : origins of a colonial order in Belize in the 19th and 20th centuries

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 214 pages
Poids : 400 g
Dimensions : 16cm X 23cm
Date de parution :
ISBN : 978-2-7099-2806-9
EAN : 9782709928069

Property and territory

origins of a colonial order in Belize in the 19th and 20th centuries


chez IRD

Collection(s) : The Belize collection

Paru le | Broché 214 pages

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prologue Joel Wainwright

Quatrième de couverture

For a long time, the genre of Belizean historiography has been defined by a blindness toward the Earth. If colonial historiography treated the Earth as nothing more than brute nature - a blank canvas upon which the British did their business - then critical or post-colonial historiography has generally ignored the problem.

Odile Hoffmann confronts this situation with a major two-part intervention into Belizean historiography. The first contribution was published by Cubola in co-edition with the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) in 2014. Entitled British Honduras : The invention of a colonial territory, mapping and spatial knowledge in the 19th century, the book compiles the most important maps in the history of the colonization of British Honduras.

Property and Territory : Origins of a colonial order provides Belizeans and scholars of Belize with the first proper study of the transformation of the Earth into its two familiar forms : territory and property.

The becoming-property and territorialization of the land we call Belize is the central object of analysis in Hoffmann's study. Drawing upon extensive archival research as well as interviews with diverse actors, the book explains the geographical and political complexities surrounding land in Belize.

The book's three closing chapters provide historical case studies of land politics in Corozal, Orange Walk, and Toledo. The result is the most important study of land in Belize since the path-breaking work by O. Nigel Bolland and Assad Shoman in 1977.

With these two volumes, Hoffmann has made a singular contribution. Above all, these books demonstrate beyond a doubt that the making of modernity in Belize was a process of transforming the Earth into property and territory-a process initiated for the sake of a profoundly unequal colonial order, which, forty years after independence, lives on.

(From Joel Wainwright's Prologue)


Dr. Odile Hoffmann is a geographer at the Institute of Research for Development (IRD), member of the Research Unit on Migration and Society (URMIS) in Paris ( Formerly, Hoffmann was the Director of the French Centre for Mexican and Central American Studies (CEMCA), Mexico. Her research focuses on agrarian and political dynamics in Mexico (Veracruz), multiculturalism and black communities in Colombia, and more generally on processes of racialisation and space in Mexico, Belize and Colombia. Her lastests publications are Blackness and Mestizaje in Mexico and Central America (2013, Africa World Press), co-authored with Elisabeth Cunin and El territorio como recurso : movilidad y apropiación del espacio en México y Centroamérica, O. Hoffmann and A. Morales, coord. (San José Costa Rica 2018, UNA-FLACSO-IRD).