The Joycean Society

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 171 pages
Poids : 300 g
Dimensions : 13cm X 20cm
Date de parution :
ISBN : 978-88-366-2639-7
EAN : 9788836626397

The Joycean Society


chez Silvana Editoriale

Paru le | Broché 171 pages

Tout public

35.00 Indisponible

préface de Caroline, princesse de Hanovre | introduction Abdellah Karroum

Quatrième de couverture

A group of people have been reading a book together for thirty years. They have been reading it again and again, with each journey from the first to the last page taking eleven years. Once they arrive at the last word, a very enigmatic « the, » they begin again with the first word, « overrun. » The text appears inexhaustible, its interpretation endless, the inconclusive nature of the reading exciting. The world seems to cease existing outside this reading room or, perhaps, it exists because of it.

This book is a key for understanding the video work, The Joycean Society, and it offers multiple critical and visual entry points into Dora García's oeuvre. With texts by Anna Daneri, Eva Fabbris, Errtiliano Battista, Abdellah Karroum, and Chantal Pontbriand.