The koina of Southern Greece : historical and numismatic studies in Ancient Greek Federalism

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 292 pages
Poids : 908 g
Dimensions : 21cm X 30cm
Date de parution :
ISBN : 978-2-35613-396-0
EAN : 9782356133960

The koina of Southern Greece

historical and numismatic studies in Ancient Greek Federalism

chez Ausonius

Collection(s) : Numismatica Antiqua

Paru le | Broché 292 pages


30.00 Indisponible

Quatrième de couverture

This book reflects the project of the international symposium held at Tours on June 2019 whence it originated : placing coinage at the heart of historical issues on the koina (federal states) and the cities of Central Greece and the Peloponnese (6th c. BC-Imperial Period). The first theme kighlighted in this volume is the koinon/polis relation (genesis of koina, « dual citizenskip », use of coinage in the federal propaganda, freedoms of the cities in monetary matters). These chapters are followed by contributions on relations between the koina and the great dynasties resulting from the conquest of Alexander and by regional studies which relate to the monetary history of the koina (the Aitolian koinon, then on that of the Peloponnese where Elis and Arcadia are given pride of place). Three communications provide new elements on monetary circulation in the Peloponnese, with a presentation of site finds of the DAI excavations in Olympia and the study of a hoard from Achaia. The volume ends with the presentation of the elemental analyses carried out within the framework of the ANR-16-FRAL-0002 KOINON project (2017-2020) at the Goetke-University of Frankfurt and at the Ernest Babelon-IRAMAT Centre, CNRS-University of Orléans.


Catherine Grandjean
Professor of Ancient Greek History University of Tours, France
EA 6298 CeTHiS
Presidente de la Societe française de numismatique