Usoni : scenario of a future. Vol. 1. Passage from hell to hell

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 61 pages
Poids : 96 g
Dimensions : 14cm X 22cm
Date de parution :
ISBN : 978-2-343-07750-5
EAN : 9782343077505

Passage from hell to hell


chez L'Harmattan

Serie : Usoni : scenario of a future. Vol 1

Paru le | Broché 61 pages

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Scenario of a Future

Act 1 : passage from hell to hell


The North Hemisphere is plunged into darkness. The sky of Europe, little by little, blackens, first, consequence of pollution, climate change, global warming, nuclear catastrophes... and, as grand finale, the eruption of the volcanoes.

As reacting at the abuse from its inhabitants, Earth spits out its anger and covers the sky with a lead cloud. The sun becomes invisible and without the sun, life disappears. Planes cannot fly. Humanity is trapped. Food is reduced to nothing.

Water becomes more precious than gold used to be for the last centuries. Life doesn't exist anymore, only survival.

The great migration now goes from North to South, directly opposite to the phenomenon of the beginning of the century. The roles are inversed but the situation remains the same. The walls of the frontiers are as high and insurmountable as before.

Lampedusa once « Door to Europe » becomes « Door to Africa », where the sun is still shining.

« Usoni », « Future » in kiswahili, is the story of Ophelia and Ulysse, the story of their journey to escape Hell Europe, their journey so their child would not be born in the dark but in the light... in the warm light of the sun.

Act 1 is the first part of the scenario Usoni... the scenario of a future... a future as the image of a present so cruelly real.


Marc Rigaudis is the author of several books at L'Harmattan. Photographer and writer, he now dedicates his time writing and making films. Since 2012, he is directing the film production at the university USIU Africa in Kenya. In 2013, he gives to his students the concept of his film A Future... for them to adapt it to a TV series. Usoni was born. The student pilot triggered the interest of international media : BBC, CNN, ZTV, VOA... and major European press. The trailer on YouTube got 40 000 views in a few weeks.

Du même auteur : Marc Rigaudis