We must talk because we can : mediating international intellectual property disputes

Fiche technique

Format : Broché
Nb de pages : 188 pages
Poids : 400 g
Dimensions : 16cm X 24cm
Date de parution :
ISBN : 978-92-842-0044-3
EAN : 9789284200443

We must talk because we can

mediating international intellectual property disputes


chez ICC Publications

Collection(s) : ICC Publication

Paru le | Broché 188 pages


70.00 Indisponible

foreword Pierre Tercier

Quatrième de couverture

Virtually every international IP dispute is difficult ; sometimes, extraordinarily so. Mediation in international IP disputes works best when each person concerned is thoroughly prepared, and brings to the table all his or her interpersonal skills, cultural sensitivity, patience, open-mindedness, creativity and commitment.

In We Must Talk Because We Can, David Plant focuses on the process of mediation and on the mediator, the client and counsel. Mediation, from Mr. Plant's point of view, is interest-based negotiation facilitated by a third person - the mediator.

His aim is to help you - whatever your role - to prepare for and engage in such mediation at the most productive level.

« David Plant's approach is progressive, garnished with advice and suggestions, nourished with rich experience. »
- from the Foreword by Professor Pierre Tercier Chairman of the International Court of Arbitration of the ICC

The International Chamber of Commerce, the World Business Organization, based in Paris, is the global leader in the development of standards, rules and reference guides for international trade.